Wednesday, February 19, 2014


For our second DIY we wanted to do something bright and happy-just in time for this 50 degree heatwave in the bluegrass! This pom pom pillow instantly adds a pop of color to your couch, bed or chair and can be completed in about an hour.

Pillow (We found ours at Target on clearance!)
Yarn (We chose four colors but choose as many or few as you'd like)
Wooden Fork
Plastic Yarn Needle (Not Pictured)

Making the pom-poms is the easiest part! 
-Wrap your choice of yarn around the fork until you get your desired thickness. We wrapped ours about 40 times.
-Once finished cut a small piece of yarn and tie it around the middle of the wrapped bundle.
-Remove the bundle from the fork and make sure the knot is secure.
-After that you are ready to cut the loops and fluff your pom-poms to life!

Repeat until you have as many as you need. We made sixteen so we could have four rows of four.

Once all your pom-poms are made you are ready to sew them on!
Just thread a small piece of yarn through your needle, attach them to your pillow, tie a knot and cut the ends to pom-pom length.

We love how it added so much fun and texture to the couch. We may just pom pom every pillow we come across now!
Come back later this week for more outfit posts and birthday fun!

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